TNPU named V. Hnatyuk – member global network of international competitions ACM-ICPC 2016.

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named Gnatyuk (Department of Informatics and methods of teaching) under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine became the base university for the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Collegiate Programming Contest ACM-ICPC 2016 in the South-West region (Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia, Chernivtsi region).

April 16 in Ternopil National Technical University Ivan Pul’uj Stage I held the All-Ukrainian Collegiate Programming Contest.

At this stage of the Olympiad was attended by 5 teams of Physics and Mathematics (coach – Oksana O. Struk), two of which came in the top five, finishing respectively 3 and 4 places with more than 50 teams of universities of Ternopil region.

TNPU_StackOverflow team consisting Barney Basil, Artem Melnyk, Oleksandr Novosad won an honorable third place, and the team TNPU_StackTrace consisting Balanyka Bogdan, Bogdan Kruchak Yuri Popov and a distance of around several points became the fourth. These two teams will defend the honor of the region at the second stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on programming.

Congratulations to our software!


