February 1, 2017 the Department of Computer science and Teaching Techniques of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics held the meeting of more than 40 science teachers and physics from Chortkiv district. Thanks to the cooperation of the Department and teachers of the region and the initiative of Chortkiv Region Curriculum Office (Head S.Petriv, methodologist L. Kastranets) teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of STEM-center, including the 3Dprinting technology, programming of Lego robots, creating projects based on microcontroller Arduino. Teachers also participated in the training, which was developed by the International Training Centre “Educational Innovation” which operates under the Department. The course program provides acquisition of practical skills and theoretical foundations of computer simulation, which is very useful taking into account the modern requirements and will be discussed within a computer science course in grade 9 according to a new program. Such an event, according to its members, is a real example of teachers training aiming to implement the concept of a New School, of a new approach to the educational process. It is now important to prepare students for life, build competencies that will solve real practical needs of their country, community and family. Using robotics, creating and programming models that transform the lives of children into “intelligent life” in a “smart city or village” and the use of the Internet of Things – these are the factors that can integrate physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science and technical activities into comprehensive science of life in the digital world. It is important that Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University has, along with the enormous scientific and technical potential and highly qualified scientists, a strong desire to share their knowledge and skills and change our society for the better.
In the end of the event, head of the Department of Computer Science and Methods of Teaching Associate Professor Nadiia Balyk said that the team headed by her department invites to conduct such seminars for teachers in other districts and in Ternopil in order to transform the education of Ternopil. For in a year, we can transform it into STEM-oriented education and hold a regional festival of robotics and design that will trigger the establishment of new start-ups, workplaces and development of the potential of the region and the country. Chortkiv district set an example worthy of appreciation. Who is next?